00 24/10/2016 14:14
-Kiya-, 19/10/2016 20.06:

Su uno degli articoli pubblicati su Livescience, dedicato alle scansioni della Piramide di Cheope,ho letto che sarebbe stata screditata la notizia che possa trattarsi della tomba di Nef. L'articolo è in inglese e l'ho letto velocemente, mi riservo di approfondire,ma intanto ecco il link: www.livescience.com/56512-great-pyramid-chambers-may-not-ex...

Se non ho mal interpretato, sembra che ZH non abbia ancora 'perdonato' Reeves.....

Hard lessons learned
Egypt’s antiquities ministry decided to have a group of experienced Egyptologists oversee scanning work after a debacle that occurred at Tutankhamun's tomb. In an incident that started last year, an Egyptologist named Nicholas Reeves claimed to have found evidence that the tomb of Queen Nefertiti was hidden behind a secret doorway in King Tut's tomb.
An initial scan suggested that such a tomb may exist, creating a media stir, though provoking skeptical reactions from scientists not involved with Reeves' work. More-detailed scans carried out earlier this year revealed that there was no such Nefertiti tomb.
Before the negative results from the second series of scans came back, officials in the Egyptian antiquities ministry, as well as the tourism ministry, had publicly stated that they believed a hidden chamber, possibly containing Nefertiti's tomb, likely existed. After the negative results, and critical views of the first scan from outside scientists, the antiquities ministry had to backpedal from that position.

Sì, nell'ultima parte dell'articolo dice proprio questo: che una seconda serie di scansioni più dettagliate della tomba ha rivelato che lì non vi siano i resti di Nefertiti.