00 28/06/2015 22:35
Bentornato sul forum. [SM=g999100]
La tua domanda è molto tecnica e necessita di ulteriori informazioni.
Innanzi tutto un eventuale cartiglio su cui fare raffronti.
Se invece si ha solo il testo che citi è difficile orientarsi per le troppe similitudini nei nomi.
Ti segnalo un testo della tomba, non sia che lo spezzone da te proposto derivi da qui, anche se non
mi sembra sia citato un nome di sovrano ?

[1] The Prince, Count, Royal Seal-bearer, Sole Companion, Lector-priest, General, Chief of scouts, Chief of foreign regions, Great Chief of the nomes of Edfu and Hieraconpolis, Ankhtifi, says:
[2] Horus brought me to the nome of Edfu for life, prosperity, health, to reestablish it, and I did (it). For Horus wished it to be reestablished, because he brought me to it to reestablish it. I found the House of Khuu inundated like a marsh, abandoned by him who belonged to it, in the grip of a rebel, under the control of a wretch. I made a man embrace the slayer of his father, the slayer of his brother, so as to reestablish the nome of Edfu. How happy was the day on which I found well-being in this nome! No power in whom there is the heat of strife will be accepted, now that all forms of evil which people hate have been suppressed. [3] I am the vanguard of men and the rearguard of men. One who finds the solution where it is lacking. A leader of the land through active conduct. Strong in speech, collected in thought, on the day of joining the three nomes. For I am a champion without peer, who spoke out when the people were silent, on the day of fear when Upper Egypt was silent. [4] As to everyone on whom I placed my hand, no misfortune ever befell him, because my heart was sealed and my counsel excellent. But as to any fool, any wretch, who stands up in [opposition] - I shall give according as he gives. "O woe," will be said of one who is accused by me. His [war ?] will take water like a boat. For I am a champion without peer!

Source: M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Vol. I, pp. 85f

Ciao ... Nec.